Injection Equipment Provision (IEP)
The injection equipment provision aims to protect individual and public health by reducing the incidence of blood-borne infection and drug-related deaths amongst service users by:
- providing sterile injecting equipment and related paraphernalia as agreed locally
- reducing the rate of sharing and other high-risk injecting behaviours
- promoting safer injecting practices
- providing and reinforcing harm reduction messages including safe sex advice and advice on overdose prevention.
It also aims to protect the health of local communities by preventing the spread of blood-borne infections by providing safe disposal facilities for used injecting equipment and to help patients who use the service to access other health, voluntary and social care services where appropriate.
Participating Forth Valley Community Pharmacies should submit Injection Equipment Provision transactions online via the Neo system
- If you have any problems with the Neo System or would like to provide feedback on the usability of the system, please contact Victoria Young on
- Participating Pharmacies (November 2024)
- I.E.P Service Level Agreement (December 2024)
- Recovery Focused Pharmeceutical Care for Patients Prescribed OST
- I.E.P Poster (April 2024)
- Change Grow Live I.E.P (July 2022)
Contractors will be paid a retainer fee and an additional fee will be paid for each individual transaction. Contractors will enter the client and transaction details onto the Neo system. This should be completed by the 10th of every month to ensure payment.
Reimbursement is paid for staff attendance at the training sessions.