Business Continuity
A business continuity plan will help you to act quickly should an emergency affect your pharmacy and facilitate a return to normal practice afterwards. A business continuity plan should describe how the pharmacy intends to maintain its critical operations, stores and equipment to minimise the impact of an emergency and should specify necessary resources, key contact lists and clear procedures that will be required to be followed by any member of staff during the crisis.
- Template for a Community Pharmacy Business Continuity Plan
- NHS Forth Valley Community Pharmacy Telephone Cascade (August 2018)
Pharmacy Closure
On the rare occasion where an emergency results in the closure of a pharmacy, the pharmacist on duty or a senior member of the pharmacy team must inform the health Board on 01786 457231 AND by e-mail. In instances where a pharmacy is required to close, the pharmacy manager or support staff available in situ should download and complete the following template. The following actions should be undertaken and checked off. The template should be emailed on completion to AND